Emily Chan

Emily Chan – Taiwan

DCIG Certified Teacher
SCIM Assistant Professor
Emily was born and raised in Taiwan. Graduated with a Bachelor degree in Applied English from Taiwan; and had received training in Effective Communication for Professionals from University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. She had a career background in financial services and training industry for years. After attending DCI in 2010, she has been putting Diamond Cutter principles into practice, which has helped her to enjoy professional life with a peaceful mind. Moreover, Emily has also used DCI principles to plant her partner and have great relationships with extended families. In the last couple years, Emily also use the Diamond Cutter Wisdom to develop her talent, passion and purpose in teaching as well as in interpretation. Her strength is to use clear thinking in teaching and in guiding participants to put principles into personal practice. With the talent and passion that being created, Emily has devoted most of her time in teaching and in interpretation. Her vision is to spread Diamond Cutter principles to help people to achieve outer, inner and all success that they ever dream of and beyond.