Nour was born in Syria, she currently lives in Sedona, USA. Nour is passionate about human rights, she worked for UNHCR project in Romania. She helped hundreds of refugee women to integrate and start a new life in Europe. After attending a training with Geshe
Michael Roach in 2014 Nour started to put the Diamond Cutter InstituteGlobal principle into practice in all her projects as well as in her personal life. In 2016 she founded a non-profit organization that focuses on women empowerment. Using the DCI principles Nour managed all projects in her organization, one of them is Threads of wisdom project which aims to empower women and save the ancient wisdom manuscripts all over the world. Nour has been accepted to Sedona College of International Management teacher training since 2017and has become one of the assistant professors. In 2020 after years of planting seeds with joyful effort Noorbecame a senior professor at both
DCIG (Diamond Cutter Institute Global) and SCIM (Sedona College of International Management). Using the seeds system Nour planted a sweet family, in 2021 she became a mother of a wonderful baby boy “Maitri” and her dream is to teach him about seeds at early age so he can plant a great life. Currently Nour is running the 4- Steps” Engine”Department in
DCIG. This department sets the 4-Steps strategy for the company, making sure to plant seeds by helping other projects around the world. In 2021 The 4-Steps Department donated 10 % of
DCIG gross income to many nonprofit organizations as: Asian legacy library, The Castle Rock Fund, and Sughar Foundation to empower women in Pakistan. Noor is also running the Rumi Tour project which is a unique collaboration between Geshe
Michael Roach and Dr. Mirzakarim Norbekov. Her vision is to spread
DCIG principles to help others reaching their maximum potential. And to grow
DCIG to become a leading example of success in Business and Education.